Historic Miss
A historic moment was again lost within the congress.
Though belatedly and forced by the circumstances rather than by spark of any new dynamic leadership — yet 23 members in the congress finally had sounded the bigul calling for a change in the party. They wrote a letter which was leaked to media as well outlining the need for full-time, forceful and visible leadership at the top and an institutional leadership mechanism. It also pointed out to the depleting morale among the party workers due to loss of support among the youth.
So far so good, however this was a late start and still remains a half hearted effort to revival. First, because while some of the signatories to the letter are leading think tank of the party — however hardly few among them are those with popular political presence. Second, because the letter is not even a storm forget revolt — which is what the party needs for survival. Not surprising because the leaders involved cannot collectively even form a party that may win a couple of seats.
Even so, the moment did present an opportunity to Gandhi’s to take a decisive — disruptive step that may have resulted in fundamental change in the party fortunes. Alas !! the moment was lost and the opportunity missed.
Sonia Gandhi had the opportunity of the kind similar to when she had rejected being the PM of the country and had helped Dr. Manmohan Singh take that seat. In the process she was suddenly respectable and acceptable to a large section of Indians. This time as well, she should have resigned decisively and should have allowed for appointment of a non-Gandhi at the helm. This would have been disruptive in a constructive sense. Something that would surely have led to chaos (is it not already chaotic) and would have helped Congress decide once and for all — whether it can survive without the Gandhi clan (which I think it can) or it may have decisively established the Gandhi grip on the party (which I think isn’t a great idea for the party).
What transpired was copy book practice of the Congress SOP — she offered to resign, a set of her supporters denied, she was made interim president again for six months and another committee………
The problem that the congress faces is as bizarre as it can get. The Party currently is a lame witness to pushes and pulls between
* a mother who wishes to establish the son in the seat of a successful CEO — but not being able to allow him the space to take independent decisions in the fear that he might self destruct, because of her faith in the old guard,
* a son who isn’t the brightest star in the politics and is further marred by an incessant, often cruel campaign by the modi team to brand him and maintain him as “Pappu” — while he is already frustrated by not being allowed to make unpopular/non-traditional decisions within the party, despite being in the driving seat either literally or de-facto and yet he is also not ready to revolt againt or sabotage his mother,
* a fiery, quite unfazed daughter who probably has the courage and fire to take the challenge with both hands but is constrained by the fact that the family wants the son to take charge and wants her to remain in the silos lest she overshadows her brother with not so strong a presence of his own.
* and finally the rest of the party where politically able and popular leaders don’t have the courage to rise up to the occasion — take charge — and reinvent on the one hand and an old guard or coterie who is hell bent to maintain status quo of decades so that they remain in charge till their journey to their graves, on the other hand.
While all this makes for a delectable web series content and interesting theme for a book or both — it is sure recipe for slow death of a once national party.
Gandhis should resign from the top post and let the party face its tryst with destiny. For all they know — they may be back on the top more decisively and with genuine authority. If not, at the least they will go in the history as someone who sacrificed themselves rather then be sabotaged by someone who rises from the ashes of the grand old party.
While Sonia Gandhi missed this chance — she still has the opportunity to seize the moment and do the Right thing. She cannot hold on to the straws in the hope that time will change for her son.